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As you may know we have been praying for and working on having someone step in to lead our children's ministry. It has been heavy on my heart lately that we have not been able to offer children's ministry for kids ages 6-12 on Sunday mornings. This has been a challenge for many families. Many of you have prayed about this and I want to say thank you for praying. 

Over the last few weeks we have been in conversation with Jenny Spurrell about stepping in to lead this vital ministry at TC, and just this past week we officially offered her the job!

Jenny and her husband Micah have been coming to TC for the past four years. They have two boys, Matthew and Michael. Over the next few weeks, we are going to work on curriculum preparation and other administrative details. Our plan is to launch a Sunday morning children's ministry early in February.

- Pastor Nathan



  • Jenny Spurrell is our new Children's Ministry Leader
  • Sunday morning children's ministry is starting up in February 2023