Those are the famous words that Paul wrote to the Corinthian church as he was addressing the issues that were native to the specific culture and time.

Paul knew that in Corinth there would have been controversy about how to live as someone who was fully dedicated to Christ. It is clear throughout the last few verses of 1 Corinthians 10 that Paul is addressing specific issues of meat being eaten that was being sacrificed to idols. That seemed like a major “no-no” to some believers at this time. You can imagine the division that it would have caused for some to have no conscience about it, whereas others would have deep issues with it (potentially because they came out of a lifestyle where they were worshipping these idols). 

If we read on, in verse 33, we see him say “I don’t do just what is best for me; I do what is best for others so that many may be saved.” Paul clearly states his point that we all come from different lifestyles and backgrounds. 

 Paul is urging the believers not to get caught up in things that are not as important as loving one another and following the example of Christ. He is begging them not to get caught up in secondary issues that have no real value to the mission of God in the world. 

He is also, helping the Corinthians understand that when he was with them, he not only gave them good sermons and teachings to remember him by, but in fact, he also gave them his life. His example was one that proved that the Gospel was true and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, was active in His life. This was the example he called them to follow. 

He is urging them to not get caught up in all the “don’t do this, don’t do that” way of thinking (which again Paul would have been very familiar with). He is telling them to instead to love one another despite their differences.

Paul wasn’t perfect, neither is any of us. But we have hope like Paul that through Jesus, we have hope in this life and the life to come. 

“Don’t follow me”, he might say, “Follow me to the extent that I look like Jesus.”

As we dive into this passage this week, let us be encouraged to follow Jesus and seek to be an example of grace and love to all people.