Last Sunday I challenged our church community in the area of thankfulness. In Psalm 50 we see that thankfulness is the gateway for an encounter with God.
This Sunday we dig even deeper into what the Scriptures teach about our inner thought-life. We study Psalm 77. Please take some time to read and meditate on this Psalm.
As you read you may notice that the Psalm is neatly broken into two halves. In the first half, the person praying does a lot of complaining and has given into self-pity. This person does a lot of remembering, meditating, and pondering...but is still in a really dark place.
But then a major shift happens. In the second half of the Psalm, this person does not stop remembering, meditating, and pondering, but drastic changes happen in what they are meditating on, thinking about, and pondering.
All of us spend a lot of time in our heads, and in our thoughts. God's word reveals to us that what we think about sets the trajectory for our lives. Every week when you walk down the stairs that lead out of our church sanctuary you read the words: "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
In this message, we talk about what that means and what it looks like in our lives.